World configuration

The world configuration is pushed to the client first as part of the successful authentication response. If the world config changes, you will get an update like this:

<= ["world.updated", { … }]

The body of the configuration is structured like this, filtered to user visibility: The first room acts as the landing page.

    "world": {
        "title": "Unsere tolle Online-Konferenz",
        "permissions": ["world:view"]
    "rooms": [
            "id": "room_1",
            "name": "Plenum",
            "description": "Hier findet die Eröffnungs- und End-Veranstaltung statt",
            "picture": "",
            "permissions": ["room:view", ""],
            "modules": [
                    "type": "livestream.native",
                    "config": {
                        "hls_url": ""
                    "type": "chat.native",
                    "config": {
                    "type": "agenda.pretalx",
                    "config": {
                        "api_url": "",
                        "room_id": 3
            "id": "room_2",
            "name": "Gruppenraum 1",
            "description": "Hier findet die Eröffnungs- und End-Veranstaltung statt",
            "picture": "",
            "permissions": ["room:view"],
            "modules": [
                    "type": "call.bigbluebutton",
                    "config": {},
                    "permissions": []

Schedule updates

When venueless is notified about an updated schedule, you will get a notification like this:

<= ["world.schedule.updated", { … }]

The data will be the pretalx configuration of the event, so either a url or a domain with an event.