Roulette module

The roulette module allows to create random video pairings between attendees.


To request a video chat with an arbitrary user, a client can push a message like this:

=> ["roulette.start", 1234, {"room": "room_1"}]

If there’s already another person waiting the user can instantly be connected to, the server responds with:

<- ["success", 1234, {"status": "match", "other_user": {…}, "call_id": "…"}]

If there isn’t, the server registers the request and replies like this:

<- ["success", 1234, {"status": "wait"}]

Requests are valid for 30 seconds, the client should send a new roulette.start request every 15-25 seconds. The server may either respond with status: match to one of these, or the server sends a notification:

<- [“roulette.match_found”, {“other_user”: {…}, “call_id”: “…”}]

This way, both matched users end up with the same call_id that can be used to request Janus video call parameters for the same call:

=> ["januscall.roulette_url", 1234, {"call_id": "…"}]
<- ["success", 1234, {"server": "…", "roomId": "…", "token: "…", "iceServers": []}]

If the client wants to quit while in status: wait state, the client should send a stop request:

=> ["roulette.stop", 1234, {"room_id": "room_1"}]
<- ["success", 1234, {}]


If one person wants to hang up, they can send:

=> ["roulette.hangup", 1234, {"call_id": "…"}]
<- ["success", 1234, {}]

The other person will receive the following message:

<- ["roulette.hangup", {}]